Python libraries

pyAbacus was built to simplify the usage of Tausand Abacus family of coincidence counters, providing a library aimed to interface these devices using Python coding. Written in Python3.


To see our latest pyAbacus developments and test beta versions, visit us on GitHub.

pyAbacus current version

PyAbacus - Tausand AB1000 library for Python
Version 1.2.0 Compatible with Abacus AB1002, AB1004, AB1502, AB1504, AB2502 and AB2504. Released January 2023.
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 3.1 MB
pyAbacus documentation
Details on methods, functions and constants included. Version 1.2.0. September 11th, 2022.
Adobe Acrobat Document 217.0 KB

Looking for a previous library version? Check our previous releases page.