New coincidence counter models in 2023: Tausand Abacus AB2500.
Measuring coincidences easily. Coincidence counters with 2ns resolution. BNC inputs coupled at 50Ω. Adjustable settings: sampling time from 1ms to 1000s, coincidence window from 2ns to 10μs, delay per channel to allow time compensation up to 100ns, sleep time per channel up to 100ns to avoid after-pulsing.
You can work with its standalone interface or connected to a PC using our open-source software, or your own routines developed using our libraries for LabView, Matlab and Python.
Ideal to measure temporal correlations in particle detection and quantum physics experiments.
You may request a formal quote writing to, or filling the contact form.
Looking for Abacus software, libraries or its user manual? Go to our downloads section.
Would you be interested in an 8-port version? Let us know: